The PHIL Award
Each year, CentraCare proudly presents the PHIL Award (Pulmonary Health and Illnesses of the Lungs) to a respiratory therapist who has provided outstanding care and treatment to patients with pulmonary illnesses.
The award was created in 2006 by Sharman Lamka in memory of Philip C. Lamka, who passed away due to complications from an interstitial lung disease.
Nominate an outstanding respiratory therapist for the PHIL Award!
The PHIL Award is the only nationally recognized hospital-based program that honors and recognizes respiratory therapists as nominated by patients, their family members, and other caregivers.
Do you know a respiratory therapist who has provided outstanding care to a patient and/or family dealing with pulmonary illness?
Questions? Contact Tally Gregor, RT Administrative Assistant, 320-251-2700, ext. 54785
Nomination Form